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Jarock (Green)


Jarock is a project that celebrates Jewish German poets who immigrated to Israel before, during and after WWII. These German poets had a dramatic impact on the revival of the ancient Hebrew language. Among these poets are Lea Goldberg, Natan Zach, Yehuda Amichai, Dan Pegis and other beloved poets. 

The project also features Tal's original poems and music. The project aims to have the this lesser known German Jewish story of the enrichment of the Hebrew language accessible in both Germany and in Israel.

When someone asks me "What Is god?"

I read him this poem:

Revelations / Yehuda Amichai

Today God revealed himself to me

In such a way: Someone behind me

covered my eyes with the palms of his hands:

Guess who it is?

Lech lecha

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; (Genesis 12:1)

Abram was told by god to leave his country, his home to the land of milk and honey. I see it now as an echoing call to us all, to go find our true self. Lech Lecha is about that inner call.

Bücherboxx Grünewald Gleis 17 Berlin

The songs are here as shards, shards of mirrors, shards of life
A flour
ishing life, a truncated life,
In front of you everything is broken
Human nature versus nature, trains versus living green, past, present, future, holocaust versus resurrection, hate versus love,
separation versus connection.

The songs are presented naked in their simplicity, even if they are interrupted in the middle, they keep playing...
Let the memory of our brothers and sisters be bound in the bundle of life.

Written in Penc
il in the Sealed Freight Car
Dan Pagis
Translation: T.karmi
Music:Tal Koch

Here, in thus carload

I Eve,

With my son Abel.

If you see my older boy,

Cain, the son of Adam,

Tell him that I

כתוב בעפרון בקרון  החתום

דן פגיס

כָּאן בַּמִּשְׁלוֹחַ הַזֶּה

אֲנִי חַוָּה

 עִם הֶבֶל בְּנִי

אִם תִּרְאוּ אֶת בְּנִי הַגָּדוֹל

קַיִן בֶּן אָדָם

תַּגִּידוּ לוֹ שֶׁאֲנִי

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